Get Involved

OpenDoors welcomes you to become involved in our work. If you support our mission and work, please join our mailing list to stay informed about our legislative campaigns and other activities. In addition, here are several other great ways to get involved:

Volunteer Internships

OpenDoors sometimes relies on student interns and community members to assist us with research projects. This could include anything from help cooking in our kitchen, to helping bring in donated winter clothes, to helping with research about one of our policy campaigns. Right now we are only looking for volunteers that can invest a substantial and ongoing amount of time into a project. Please email for more information and with some details about your availability and what you are interested in helping with. Please include a resume, the number of hours per week, and the number of months you are interested in volunteering. We receive frequent inquiries, so please make sure to include all of this information.


OpenDoors is supported by individual, government, and foundation grants. Please consider donating, as every donation helps us continue to fund and expand our services. Visit our donation page for more information.

Spread the Word and Stay Involved

Tell others about OpenDoors.