Resource Center

485 Plainfield St, Providence

Our resource center provides wrap around reentry support services for anyone with a criminal record, including assistance with vital records, employment, housing, transportation and addiction recovery.  Anyone can complete an intake by calling 401-781-5808 extension #3, and they will be referred to our own services or providers at a partner organization.

    • Obtaining a social security card, birth-certificate, or State ID

    • Using OpenDoors as a temporary mailing address

    • Access to phones and computers during the computer lab open hours

    • Help signing up for housing through the Coordinated Entry System, the Recovery Housing Network, or with permanent housing applications

    • Referral to the driver's license reinstatement program (now hosted at the Center for Justice)

    • Connecting with a Certified Peer Recovery Coach or our Employment Program

    If you need a service that we don’t provide within OpenDoors, we will find someone who can help.

  • • State ID Voucher

    • Social Security Card

    • Health Insurance

    • SNAP

    • Birth Certificate

    • Disability Bus Passes

  • We can provide vouchers for people to get state IDs for free. For people with no income who are working with a peer recovery coach or case manager, we can pay fees for birth certificates and disability bus passes. In some cases, for people enrolled in our housing or employment programs we can help with other expenses such as clothing, work tools, bus passes, and more.

  • Anyone in prison can receive a discharge planning packet and assistance with the discharge planning process. If you need a new packet, you can call *5632 from any facility to speak with DOC staff members, Monday-Friday 8:30AM-4PM. If you want to speak to someone from Open Doors, youcan call *9015 from the ACI. We will provide guidance in preparing for release from prison.