
Charles became an OpenDoors client in 2010.  Below, he explains his experiences at the Resource Center, and his goals for the future.

“I first heard about OpenDoors from a friend who had been in prison.  He said that OpenDoors had helped him find his first real job.  So, after I got out, I came to the job training course, which helped me deal with all of the pitfalls between finishing your resume and getting a job-- things like interviewing, follow-up, and how to explain gaps in your work record. I also took the computer class.

People here are very personable. They don’t talk down to you, and I always get good treatment when I come here.  Also, the job training course is very well respected by employers. One employer I spoke with said that taking the class demonstrated initiative, and that he liked the professional resume, call backs, and thank you’s that the course teaches you.

In three months, my goal is to have my own apartment, a job, and peace of mind.”

-Charles Emerson Casper